DynamicTMN® Java ASN.1 and GDMO Browser |
Overview | Features | Screens | Specifications | Related
The ASN.1 & GDMO Browser provides for user-friendly browser-oriented viewing of even the most complex GDMO and ASN.1 information models. With features such as hyperlinked navigation, regular expression based searching and complete GDMO to ASN.1 relationship mapping, the ASN.1 & GDMO Browser proves to be an invaluable tool for any TMN/CMIP development environment.
Key Features
Some of the key features of the ASN.1 & GDMO Browser are:
- 100% Java (runs on JRE1.2 and newer)
- supports searching of ASN.1 and GDMO definitions
- uses ASN.1 & GDMO Compiler output
- supports X.722 GDMO specification
- supports X.208/X.680 ASN.1 specification
- supports GDMO document directives
- supports hyperlinked navigation between related elements
- supports GDMO to ASN.1 hyperlinking
- displays 'used-by' relationships
- supports OID to template lookup
- excellent for technicians, developers, verification engineers
Screen Snapshots
Following are some basic snapshots of the primary screens in the GDMO/ASN.1 Browser. Simply click on the thumbnail to enlarge (requires Javascript):
GDMO Document Window | ASN.1 Module Window | GDMO/ASN.1/OID Search Window |
Product Specifications
See the ASN.1 & GDMO Browser specifications below:
Java Platform Requirements:
- Java 2: JDK 1.2 or newer
Operating System Requirements:
Any operating system which supports the Java versions listed in the Java Platform Requirements section above. Some of the operating systems commonly used with the DynamicTMN® products are:
- Microsoft Windows (95,98,XP,NT,2000)
- Linux (Redhat, etc)
- Hewlett Packard HP-UX
- Sun Solaris (SPARC & x86)
- Apple MacOS X
Hardware Requirements:
Minimum Hardware
- Physical memory (RAM): 256MB
- Disk space: 50MB (distribution package size)
Recommended Hardware
- Physical memory (RAM): 512MB or greater
- Disk space: 100MB (distribution,log,data files)
NOTE: the amount of memory and disk space will vary depending upon the details of your specific application. Please email monfox support to get the recommended requirements for your specific deployment.
Product Evaluation:
For browser usage examples, users guide, and much more please download the DynamicTMN® CMIP Suite evaluation package.
Related DynamicTMN® Products
The DynamicTMN® ASN.1 & GDMO Browser is included in the following Monfox products: